About the Pottery Studio

Luling Icehouse Pottery, located in the historic Luling icehouse (circa 1928), has been featured in Texas Highways ("Icehouses": Texas Highways, August, 2000 and "Luling: A Slice of Small-Town Fun":
Texas Highways, June, 2004), the San Antonio Express-News ("Potter's wheels stop in Luling": San Antonio Express-News, December 10, 2000), the Austin Chronicle ("Day Trips": The Austin Chronicle, December 1, 2000) and the Austin American-Statesman ("Think Small: Looking for a town, not just house": Austin American-Statesman, November 5, 2006). Our pottery is created, glazed and fired on the premises, and customers can view various stages of the entire ceramic process from our sales gallery.
1115 East Davis Street
Luling, TX 78648
(830) 875-6282
Hours: Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Monday 10-5 and Sunday 1-5.